So Chello is set to focus on the collective. Let’s schedule a video chat or phone call;
we are going to spread inspiration together! "But I’m not an inspiration.” My friend, I beg to differ.
Fill out your information; let’s do this!
*FYI - I am shaking just typing this. I am SO EXCITED to chat!!
Tabbi Jost“It’s only gonna get better! ”Some words of wisdom from Marchello Sciortino that we could all use right now. Keep an eye on So Chello to see what this incredible dude has been up to! You can rep his awesome line as a reminder to keep your eye on the brighter days ahead.
Terry VazquezYou’re perspective and incredible spirit inspire me every time! I’m so blessed to be able to share in your story and blessings! Keep shining! #ironsharpensiron